
Just Wondering

While I was in the 5th grade, my science class was studying photosynthesis. I thought the whole process was amazing. This wonderful synergistic give and take between living things that allowed the continuation of life on Earth. God's master plan called Balance. I was so excited by this wonderful epiphany that I raised my hand to ask what I thought was an astute inquiry: So, is that why our plants do so well when we talk to them? The teacher paused, rolled his eyes, turned away from me and made it clear that I should keep my hand down next time. He was a highly effective teacher. I never raised my hand in his class again.

I would go on to look at science text somewhat apprehensively for the next 7 years (which my grades reflected) and avoid most science classes by the time I received my graduate degree in drama. But I've never lost my wonderment of it all. Even more, I love to witness what our kind, mankind, can creatively come up with using the current and developing tools of science especially when combined with the forces of nature. Synergism at its finest.

In a world of pessimism, there is a well-lit underground of advancements happening all around us. People inquiring in far more astute ways than I could ever dream of dreaming up. Groups of like-minded so clearly focused as to be lasers aimed at the most difficult questions raised in our time. We each play a part in the answers. Even if it's just breathing it all in. I guess this blog is about shining a little more light on various discoveries and advancements.


Because, even though there will be some who will pause, roll their eyes and turn away, I am still wondering if anyone else out there might like to wonder with me.